"The Obsession" was named one of the best titles released in 2019 in Australia and New Zealand! It, as well as the previous 3 books in the Bathville Books series, is available at Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, Applebooks and nook.

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The best titles from 2019
One of the best mystery & thrillers from 2019 so far

by Carol Kravetz
Series: The Bathville Books Series
Kindness is given freely and willingly. But when given to the wrong person, it can turn around and bite you. Detective Krista Cameron finds out the hard way that it doesn’t always pay to be nice. Especially when the recipient of her good intentions decides to repay her by telling her she belongs to him. He starts his obsession by bullying his way into her life, and won’t take no for an answer. Wrecking her husband’s car, ruining her home and causing physical harm to her friend is only the beginning to the obsession that will consume him, an obsession that won’t end until he has done what he has to do to get Krista as his own. Even when the obsession turns Krista’s life into a dangerous nightmare, he won’t stop. Not until she’s his.
607Pages 13 - 14 Hours to read 165k Total words