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"The Revenge" Now Available on 27 Sites Worldwide!

Carol Kravetz

I'm pleased to announce that book 2 in The Bathville Books, "The Revenge" is now available worldwide through:

Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Lulu, Kobo, Amazon, Apple, Inktera (formerly PageFoundry), Baker & Taylor/Follett, Library Direct, Baker-Taylor Axis360, OverDrive, Scribd, cloud library, Gardners Extended Retail, TolinoOdilo, and Gardners Library,

My third book in the Bathville Books series is currently with the editor, will hopefully be available for purchase this month. Thank you, as always, for your support by purchasing my books, writing reviews on whatever sites you have purchased them on, and telling all your friends about my books. I hope you are enjoying reading about the continuing adventures of Paul, David, Cathy, and Krista!


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